Become a Champion of Spiritual Fitness in 2025!

As the new year begins, so many of us feel the desire to grow closer to God, to strengthen our faith, and to face life’s challenges with renewed hope. But where do we start? How do we stay on course?

When you give here at Back to the Bible, you bring a personalized, research-based approach that helps people engage with God through His Word daily. Whether it’s through the 4-step spiritual fitness program, or encouraging community, you become a part of walking with individuals at every step of their faith journey through your gift and prayer support.

The results are life-changing.

  • The Spiritual Fitness CheckUP gets people’s attention about spiritual life and the Bible’s answers for their specific needs.
  • Non-believers using our resources have an 87% success rate of growing to engage Scripture 4 or more days per week.
  • People engaging with Scripture regularly are:
    • 228% more likely to share their faith,
    • 59% less likely to view harmful content,
    • and experience 31% less discouragement in their lives.

Your impact starts here.

This January, join Back to the Bible’s outreach with renewed passion and dedication. Back to the Bible is only possible through the faithful gifts of individual Christ Followers like you. 

Take the first step of the year to make a difference. Give today and help change lives!

A Gift of Gratitude for You.

To thank you for your generosity, we’re excited to send you a copy of the 2025 People, Prayers and Pivots Planner (while supplies last). This 2025 Spiritual Fitness Planner helps you focus on what really matters: cultivating a deeper connection with God and those around you, while also nurturing your spiritual well-being.

Or you can request a copy of Harold Berry’s newest book: 

Genesis: Daily Scriptures to Receive, Reflect, and Respond illuminates the depth of God’s love for humanity and the path to salvation. Read with an open mind and ready heart. Be prepared to have God change you spiritually.”It’s the perfect companion for your personal growth as you strengthen your spiritual muscles and track your progress throughout the year."

Together, let’s make 2025 a year of transformation—one life at a time.

Join the Movement! Each of us doing what we can, and stretching in faith to do a little more as God calls—that has always been what moves Back to the Bible forward into more lives. 2025 is our year of possibilities as God’s people.

Your Donation

This month's donation will be processed immediately.

Beginning next month, the same amount will be processed on the date selected until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

Please select your gift

The People, Prayers and Pivots planner for 2025 that helps track the normal details and appointments of life on a generous-sized calendar as well as helping you focus on relationships, your prayer life and tips for sharing God with others. Fair Market Value: $10.99

Genesis: Receive, Reflect, and Respond unveils profound truths about God, creation, sin, marriage, and the family. It also illuminates the depth of God's love for humanity and the path to salvation.Read with an open mind and ready heart, and be prepared to have God change you spiritually. Fair Market Value: $14.99

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          Thank you for helping us share the love of Christ here and all over the world!


          Father, please bring many to use this app. Use the Scriptures mightily to change hearts, bringing repentance to each participant. Enable this app to be a tool for discipleship, creating a disciple making movement.  –Bob

          “You're reaching WAY beyond what you can imagination. KEEP IT UP!!!”  –Donald

          “Thanks for being out there proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in this dark world we live in.”  –John

          “If only I discovered Back to the Bible's GOtandem app much, much earlier, yet I thank You, Father God. Empower me to navigate from where I am now to what You want done through me. Glory, honor and praise be Yours now and forever.”  –EJ

          Back to the Bible

          6400 Cornhusker Hwy Suite 100
          Lincoln, Nebraska 68507