You can help thousands of people around the world move closer to Jesus Christ through access to God's Word
When people engage with God’s Word, their lives are transformed! Because of the power of Scripture and the promises God gives, those who read and memorize the Bible are less likely to struggle with life’s challenges and more likely to share their faith with others.
You can bring the powerful Word of God to those who do not have it, and help those who do have it to engage with the Bible at a deeper level to improve one's spiritual fitness.
Using media and the latest technology, Back to the Bible meets people like you at their own spiritual level and walks with them daily into a living, growing, and passionate relationship with Jesus Christ by equipping and motivating them to engage Scripture daily.
In these troubling times, Back to the Bible is planning to reach more people than ever with the power of God’s Word. Will you help by making a donation today?
When you make a gift, you will have a direct impact on someone who otherwise may have never engaged with Scripture.
Don’t delay. Make your gift using the secure form below to help more people move closer to Jesus Christ today through God’s Word.